Pol’s Helvart Tahini Halva With Carob Molasses

  • Contains no added sugar.
  • Gluten-free.
  • Does not contain preservatives, additives and colorants.
  • Is a rich source of vitamins and energy.
  • A modern interpretation of the traditional Ermenek halva
  •  Natural halva with no added sugar and no additives
  • High energy and fiber source
  • A masterful combination of Grape, Date, Carob and Sour Cherry Molasses with Tahini

What is Pol’s Helvart Natural Tahini with Carob Molasses?

Pol’s Helvart natural tahini with Carob molasses is a sweet breakfast delicacy alternative produced by combining Carob molasses and tahini and cooking them for a short time in vacuum boilers under appropriate temperature.  Containing no additives or refined sugar other than the base ingredients, Pol’s Helvart natural tahini with Carob molasses is consumed with enjoyment by people of all ages.

What are Pol’s Helvart Natural Tahini with Carob Molasses Properties?

A perfect harmony of tahini and molasses that defies the years, Pol’s Helvart natural tahini with Carob molasses is very beneficial for health. Prepared under low heat treatment by using vacuum technology and featuring a smooth texture, Pol’s Helvart natural tahini with Carob molasses properties;

  • Contains no gluten, refined sugar or sugar derivatives.
  • Does not contain any additives such as preservatives, sweeteners.
  • Suitable for vegan diet.
  • Rich in protein, vitamins, fiber and calcium.
  • Recommended to be stored in a cool and dry place in its closed original glass jar.

What are the Health Benefits of Pol’s Helvart Carob Tahini Molasses Mix?

Recommended to be consumed by people of all ages in sufficient daily quantities, Pol’s Helvart tahini Carob molasses mixture health benefits;

  • Helps to meet daily protein need.
  • Supports mental development.
  • It is an food supplement that supports the treatment of anemia.
  • It is a food supplement that helps regulate the digestive system.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Gives a feeling of wellness throughout the day.

How is Pol’s Helvart Natural Tahini with Carob Molasses Consumed?

Being an indispensable sweet delicacy in Turkish cuisine for a long time, the tahini and molasses mixture is now made from molasses produced by using miscellaneous fruits. Pol’s Helvart tahini with natural Carob molasses is a highly popular product and is a must-have for breakfast tables today. It can optionally be used as an ingredient in various recipes such as cakes, cookies, pastries, ice cream and functions very well as a natural sweetener.

Select Form

175 GR, 400 GR

Product Properties

Vegan, gluten free, no added sugar, no additives.

Content Features

Date molasses, carob molasses, tahini, soapwort.

Packaging Type

175 g Flow Pack

Storage Conditions

Store in a cool and dry place, do not expose to direct sunlight.